An overview of TermPlus
Powered by Pengana Capital Group
© Copyright 2024 TermPlus
Pengana Capital Limited (ACN 103 800 568, AFSL 226566) (“Pengana”) is the issuer of units (“Term Accounts”) in TermPlus (ARSN 668 902 323) (“TermPlus”). The offer of Term Accounts in TermPlus will be made in the Product Disclosure Statement for TermPlus (“PDS”) which can be obtained by contacting TermPlus on 1300 883 881 or from A person who is considering investing in TermPlus should obtain a copy of the PDS and should consider the PDS carefully and consult with their financial adviser to determine whether TermPlus is appropriate for them before deciding whether to invest in, or to continue to hold, Term Accounts in TermPlus. A Target Market Determination for TermPlus is available at This document was prepared by Pengana and does not contain any investment recommendation or investment advice.
Target Rates quoted are merely an objective which may change during the course of the Term. There is a risk that TermPlus may not be successful in achieving the Target Rates. Neither Pengana nor Pengana Credit Pty Ltd (ACN 659 608 849) (“Pengana Credit”) guarantees the performance of TermPlus. Investors’ capital is not guaranteed. Like all investments, TermPlus’ investments carry risks, and if these risks eventuate, investors may lose some or all of their capital invested in TermPlus. Target Rates are not guaranteed, are not a forecast, and may not be achieved. A Term Account is not a bank deposit or a term deposit with a bank. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and may not be repeated. The Target Rate is after all fees and costs. Withdrawal rights are subject to liquidity and may be delayed or suspended (see PDS).
Neither Pengana nor Pengana Credit guarantees the performance of, or the repayment of capital, or Income invested in TermPlus. An investment in TermPlus is subject to investment risk including a possible delay in repayment and loss of Income and principal invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and may not be repeated.
This document has been prepared without taking into account any person’s investment objectives, particular needs or financial situation. It is general information only and should not be considered investment advice and should not be relied on as an investment recommendation. Before acting on any information contained within this document a person should consider the appropriateness of the information, having regard to their objectives, financial situation and needs.
Certain expressions used in this website have defined meanings which are in the PDS.
Mercer Consulting (Australia) Pty Limited ABN 55 153 168 140 AFSL 411770 (‘MCAPL’). MCAPL is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 32 005 315 917 (‘Mercer Australia’). MCAPL and Mercer Australia collectively referred to here as ‘Mercer’. References to Mercer shall be construed to include Mercer LLC and/or its associated companies. ‘MERCER’ is a registered trademark of Mercer Australia.
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